Educators at Work

Please note at the University my life has been threatened. My flash drives destroyed at Parish Library and the Health Sciences Center Library. My property destroyed on the campus –by I speculate the campus police. I was repeatedly pushed and threatened by campus police at CIRT I believe as in efforts to elicit an effusion to create justification and reason to implement a beating during the time that CIRT was open to the public. My website is tampered with and fictitious links installed. My e-mail has been tampered with and my e-mails blocked. I confronted a woman librarian at the Health Sciences Center Library and she stated that UNM reserves the right to do this. I'm even being prevented from installing this link to other web-pages by I speculate UNM staff. The University of New Mexico violates peoples' privacy via the network to promote the Republican agenda and cover up their criminal activities. The list goes on and on. We need to stop the insanity implemented by Governor Bill Richardson and the state of New Mexico and put to an end crime and corruption within our country.