Dear Joseph,
In February 2002, George W. Bush's Administration sent me to Africa to investigate claims that Saddam Hussein was seeking to buy materials for weapons of mass destruction. In early March, I provided a detailed briefing to the C.I.A; I concluded that Iraq had most likely not tried to buy uranium in Niger. We know the rest of the story.
The Bush White House tried to intimidate me and to discourage others from exposing the lies they told to justify the war. Some senior people in the Bush administration betrayed our country by exposing my wife's cover at the CIA because they deemed their political agenda to be more important than our national security. Not so. George Bush's Administration has betrayed our trust I know that personally. And I hope you'll join me in supporting John Kerry's campaign to wrest our democracy back from those who have so squandered the public trust. This is our cause - and it's about our future.
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I wasn't ready to keep quiet when this President misled the nation in his State of the Union Address. Some people have said I was courageous to speak truth to the power of the Bush White House.
But let me tell you, what I have done doesn't hold a candle to the courage that John Kerry showed as a young man and throughout his political career. I am supporting him for President because he has shown the courage to do what's right. And I hope that everyone else who is outraged by this Administration and who wants to change America will join me in doing all you can to make John Kerry our next President.
I'm supporting John Kerry for President, and I hope you'll join me in that support. For us to take back the White House, we need to raise funds.
John volunteered to serve in Vietnam, where he earned a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. And when he came home as a decorated hero, he didn't have to fight the war. But John helped lead the fight to end the war; he earned the wrath of Richard Nixon and his cronies, and he won the respect of Americans for his courage. Throughout his career in public service he has shown the courage to stand up to special interests and to hold government accountable.
It's almost Election Day. One year from now, we can elect a new President. Only John Kerry has the courage and credibility to be that President, and we need your support to get there.
I hope you will join us- it's never been more important.
Warm Regards,
Joe Wilson